Lic. #PSY16843
16615 Lark Ave.
Suite 203
Los Gatos CA 95032
(650) 306-8188
All information disclosed within sessions and the written records pertaining to those sessions are confidential and may not be revealed to anyone without your written permission, except when disclosure is required by law.
When Disclosure is Required By Law: Some of the circumstances when disclosure is required by law include: 1. Reasonable suspicion of child, dependent, or elder abuse or neglect. 2. When a client communicates a serious intent or plan to harm a specific victim or victims.
When Disclosure May Be Required: 1. When a client is a danger to self, others, or is gravely disabled. 2. When your mental status is placed as an issue in litigation initiated by you, the defendant may have a right to obtain your records and/or call upon your therapist to testify. 3. Coordinating your care with other health care providers providing services to you. 4. Information given to your insurance company necessary to process a claim